Summer social competition on a Tuesday afternoon and early evening, October and November.Age Groups - 7yrs (2018), 9yrs (2016), 12yrs (2013), Intermediate - 13/14yrs (2012, 2011)
Team Nomination via Majestri Close (earlier if full)
2 Sept
Fixtures will confirm acceptance of Team Nomination
via email to Team Contact and Clubs
4 Sept
Players to Self Register via Netball Connect
through their club link
Opens 4 Sept Closes 30 Sept
Clubs to submit Teams via Netball Connect
16 Sept
Draw Released
1 Oct
Games Commence
7 Oct
Last Game (no finals)
25 Nov
Season Dates: OCT 7, 14, 21, 28 NOV 4,11,18, 25
7yrs - 4.50pm (grass courts)9yrs - 4.50pm (hard courts, overflow to grass courts)12yrs - 5.45pm (hard courts)Intermediates (13 & 14yrs combined) - 6.45pm (hard courts)
7yrs - 4.50pm (grass courts)
9yrs - 4.50pm (hard courts, overflow to grass courts)
12yrs - 5.45pm (hard courts)
Intermediates (13 & 14yrs combined) - 6.45pm (hard courts)
Team Numbers in each age group will be capped, determined by court availability. Mixed age teams will participate in the age group of the oldest player. Nb. Players can only play up 1 age group.Players don’t all have to be from the same Saturday club but must all register with the same club for this competition and should wear the same club uniform.Males may participate, max. of 3 on court at the same time. Teams are to supply their own bibs, netball, First Aid kit. Clubs will generally supply these to teams. Rained out games will not be replayed.Teams that are top of the ladder in each division after the last game will receive an award. All 7yrs Players will receive a participation award.No time requests will be considered. Time allocations will be determined by the number of teams that nominate in each age group. This is at the discretion of MDNA Fixtures.The MDNA Day Season Competition Rules apply and are are available on the MDNA website.Player Fillins: Players registered in the 2024 MDNA Saturday Competition may fillin but should be the same age, or a year younger, and of a similar standard as the team they are filling in for. They cannot become a regular team player, they must regsiter. Players participating in Troppo Tuesday from the same division or lower age / division from the same club or different club may fillin. Players NOT registered in the Saturday Competition can NOT fillin.
Teams are to supply an umpire to umpire their own game. They must be suitably attired and experienced to manage the standard of game. Liaise with your club to source if required. Coaches of the 7yrs & 9yrs teams will coach and umpire the game as per the Saturday Metro Way Rules.
The fees below are the MDNA and Netball Qld fees.
Club may choose to add on their own fee (eg. to cover umpire payments), so the total fee amount may vary amongst the clubs.
2nd Season 2024 - $60 A payment processing fee applies.
If previously registered with MDNA / Netball Qld this year. eg. MDNA Saturday Season
1st Season 2024 - $90 A payment processing fee applies.
If NOT previously registered for a season with MDNA or a Netball Qld affiliated competition this year.
Registration covers the player for the Tropical Tuesday Season only for MDNA and Netball Qld registrations.
NOTE: Players are NOT allowed to take the court if they have not yet registered.
This is a liability / insurance issue and a breach of the competition rules.
After Fixtures has confirmed acceptance of the team into the competition all players must individually self register and pay their registration fee online through their club via Netball Connect. Online registration open 5 September. Clubs will supply to their members a link to their club player registration for the Tropical Tuesday Competition.2nd season registration fee discount will automatically apply during the registration process where applicable.
After Fixtures has confirmed acceptance of the team into the competition all players must individually self register and pay their registration fee online through their club via Netball Connect. Online registration open 5 September.
Clubs will supply to their members a link to their club player registration for the Tropical Tuesday Competition.
2nd season registration fee discount will automatically apply during the registration process where applicable.
CLUBS WILL NEED TO SET UP A CLUB REGISTRATION TO THE MDNA TWILIGHT COMP IN NETBALL CONNECT (THE SAME AS DONE FOR THE SATURDAY COMP.). FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS WILL BE ISSUED DIRECTLY TO CLUBS WHEN THE COMPETITION HAS BEEN SETUP BY FIXTURES.Clubs to submit Team Nominations via Netball Connect by 13 September. Players who have registered by then are to be included in the team nomination. Players registering after that date will have to be added to the team in Netball Connect by their club prior to the 1st game.
Clubs to submit Team Nominations via Netball Connect by 13 September. Players who have registered by then are to be included in the team nomination. Players registering after that date will have to be added to the team in Netball Connect by their club prior to the 1st game.
MDNA Netball Brisbane