

Visit the Netball Australia page for an overview of umpiring accreditation and pathways.

Netball Queensland have a useful vault of umpiring resources.


To promote Umpire Development Pathways, MDNA has two (2) levels of umpire awards to help Clubs encourage and develop their talented umpires.

Clubs are to ensure each umpire has the necessary pre-requisites before being assessed at each level.
For MDNA awards, a candidate must have a 70% pass on the Foundation/Rules of Netball Theory Exam.

Both the completed Umpire Assessment Report and the Foundation/Rules of Netball Theory Exam Certificate must be given to the MDNA Umpire Coordinator for successful candidates to receive their relevant umpire award.

Silver Award
This MDNA award level is intended for Club umpires who are beginning to develop some umpiring skills and abilities.
Clubs are able to self-assess umpires at this level, providing there is a nationally accredited umpire available to conduct the Silver Award Umpire Assessment.

Gold Award
This MDNA award level is intended for talented Club umpires who have an interest in progressing to National Accreditation. Clubs must organise an independent and nationally accredited umpire to conduct the Gold Award Umpire Assessment.

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GBNL Trial/Grading games Week 2- 18s and 16s
JSA Specialist Saturday Training - 12 Yrs ONLY
Meet on outdoor courts & please bring a ball
JSA Specialist Sunday Training - 13s & 14s ONLY @ MDNA
Entire Calendar...Platinum Sponsors
Carina Leagues ClubPhone (07) 3843 9200
Edge OrthodonticsPhone (07) 3847 5003
Gold SponsorBronze Sponsor
Spread PizzeriaPhone 0435 412 825
Netball QLD Netball Australia

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Brisbane City Council QLD Government